Eria Jarensis, also known as N-Phenethyl Dimethylamine, is a stimulant often compared to the likes of DMAA or AMP Citrate, however, in all reality is much milder in sheer energy but tends to have more of a euphoric effect while improving cognition*, making it an excellent addition to any nootropic stack. It does this by boosting dopamine and noradrenaline the body*.
A more appropriate comparison for Eria Jarensis would be PEA (Phenylalanine), however, lasting much longer as PEA tends to be a very short-lived compound*.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Eria Jarensis is not considered a dietary supplement and is intended for research purposes only. Advanced research of this compound is suggested prior to purchase. A scoop is provided, however, a milligram scale is recommended for accurate measurements.
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